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Community Mental Health Fund (CMHF) Outcome Data

During FY22, the second full year of the COIVD-19 pandemic, the number of adults participating in MHB-funded services decreased by 21% or 1,014 fewer adults served than in FY21. Of the 3,725 adults served in FY22, 1,850 (50%) improved their behavioral health wellness and recovery.

CMHF has one Outcome Area: Behavioral Health Wellness & Recovery

1,621 adults or (49%) (3,725) with behavioral health disorders improved their behavioral health wellness & recovery as demonstrated by the following outcome indicator achievement displayed in the chart below.

Early Intervention Programming

1,268 adults or 34% of those served participated in early intervention-focused programming in FY22.

Where do adults served by MHB-funded services live?

Where do adults served by MHB-funded programs receive services?

Community Children’s Services Fund Outcome Data/Number of Children and Youth Served

In FY22, 43 funded projects served 8,430 children and youth representing an increase of 49% or an additional 2,772 children and youth served compared to FY21. Additionally, 297 parents and caregivers were served through programs focused on helping them to have the knowledge, skills, and support for positive parenting. Demographic data for children and youth served in FY22 may be found in the following charts and graphs.

CCSF has Two Outcome Areas:
Emotionally Healthy and Socially Connected

Prevention Programming

CCSF has Two Outcome Areas:
Emotionally Healthy and Socially Connected

In FY22, 3,570 or 41% (8,727) of children and youth served through MHB-funded programs participated in prevention-focused programming for whom we have demographic data and performance metrics.

An additional 1,473 children and youth in grades K-8 participated in universal, school-based prevention programming focused on violence prevention and substance use prevention, offered at 11 city schools

Where do children and youth served by MHB-funded services live?
Where do children and youth served by MHB-funded programs receive services?

System of Care St. Louis

Family Support Partners have lived experience as a parent or family member of a child with a serious emotional disorder, as well as a deep connection to the St. Louis community. Family Support Partners believe that parents are the experts on their families, which is evident in the empathy and compassion they bring to their work. The SOC Family Support Partners more than doubled their service delivery goals. As demonstrated in the chart, systems partners and community members made 124 referrals that resulted in 224 individuals from 67 families receiving services from the Family Support Partner Network. This is a significant milestone for establishing a children’s mental health system of care that reaches families where they are.