MHB Annual Report | FY21

Outcome Data

THE COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH FUND is the original tax fund for which Saint Louis MHB was established. The goal of this fund is to make grants available to non-profit agencies that address mental health and substance use disorders of City residents.

THE COMMUNITY CHILDREN’S SERVICES FUND improves the well-being of the City’s children, birth through age 18. MHB funds and supports a wide range of non-profit programs that address needs related to emotional and behavioral health, trauma and family support of St. Louis children and youth.

Community Mental Health Fund Overview

Established in 1994, the Community Mental Health Fund works to improve the quality of life for City residents with mental health and/or substance use disorders, primarily serving adults ages 18 and older. The fund supports a range of services that address behavioral health wellness leading to prevention or recovery in the dimensions of health, home, purpose, and community.

Achieving Wellness and Recovery

In FY21, 54% of adults participating in MHB-funded programs improved their behavioral health wellness as demonstrated by these changes:

  • Fewer mental health symptoms
  • Improved management of behavioral health and physical health conditions
  • Resolving legal issues impeding recovery
  • Maintaining stable housing
  • Becoming/remaining employed

Number of Adults Served

During FY21, the first full year of the COIVD-19 pandemic, the number of adults participating in MHB-funded services decreased only 9.5% or 497 fewer adults. Of the 4,739 adults served in FY21, 2,559 (54%) improved their behavioral health wellness and recovery as detailed below…

Behavioral Health Wellness
& Recovery

  • 2,270 adults (56%) successfully identified, prevented, and/or addressed their behavioral health conditions through early intervention
  • 289 adults (44%) with severe and persistent mental illness improved their ability to function independently, get or keep a job, and/or maintain stable housing

Early Intervention Programming

4,079 individuals or 86% of those served participated in early intervention-focused programming in FY21, reflecting a 16% decrease or 794 fewer adults than in FY20.

Where do adults served by MHB-funded programs live
and where are services provided?

Top 10 Home Zip Codes for Adults

  1. 63116
  2. 63111
  3. 63118
  4. 63115
  5. 63112
  6. 63108
  7. 63113
  8. 63106
  9. 63104
  10. 63109

Top 10 Service Zip Codes for Adults

  1. Unknown
  2. 63111
  3. 63108
  4.  63103
  5. 63139
  6. 63110
  7. 63118
  8. 63104
  9. 63113
  10. 63116

Community Children's Services Fund Overview

Established in 2004, the Community Children’s Services Fund is dedicated to improving the well-being of St. Louis City children and youth from birth to age 18. Through three-year competitive grants and participation in community collaborations supporting the development of a coordinated system of care for children, the fund supports a wide variety of programs and services that address children’s emotional health and social connectedness by focusing on their behavioral health, addressing trauma, and providing family support.

Prevention Programming

2,345 or 41% of children and youth receiving MHB funded services participated in prevention-focused programming for whom we have demographic data and performance metrics.

An additional 3,242 children and youth in grades K-8 participated in universal, school-based prevention programming focused on violence prevention and substance use prevention, offered at 28 city schools. NOTE: Data for the children and youth served through universal prevention programs funded by MHB is not included in the total number of children and youth served, as these programs are offered to entire classrooms of children in specific grade levels for whom individual demographic data and performance metrics are not available.

Number of Children and Youth Served

Not surprisingly, the number of children served in FY21, the first full year of the COVID-19 pandemic, decreased 24% with 1,799 fewer children and youth participating in MHB-funded services. Of the 5,658 children and youth served in FY21, 3,847 (68%) improved their well-being as detailed below…

Emotionally Healthy
& Socially Connected

1,700 children and youth (57%) improved their emotional health as demonstrated by:

  • 716 children and youth (62%) strengthened resiliency by improving decision-making, social, and coping skills
  • 155 children and youth (76%) avoided or reduced their substance use, or avoided other risky behaviors
  • 43 youth (31%) gained independent living/life skills, so they are more capable of making healthy life choices
  • 786 children and youth (53%) improved their behavioral health as evidenced by experiencing fewer symptoms and improved functioning

2,674 children and youth (80%) strengthened social connections as demonstrated by:

  • 795 children and youth (81%) demonstrated healthy engagement in their schools and/or communities
  • 47 parents and caregivers (58%) acquired the knowledge, skills and support necessary for a strong, nurturing family
  • 581 children and youth (85%) maintained stable housing or achieved stable living situations within the child welfare system
  • 724 children and youth (78%) formed positive bonds with caring adults, and experienced safe and healthy relationships

Where do children and youth served by MHB-funded programs live
and where are services provided?

The top 10 home zip codes include:

  1. 63116
  2. 63118
  3. 63108 
  4. 63106
  5. 63111
  6. 63104
  7. 63112
  8. 63113
  9. 63115
  10. 63110

The top 10 service zip codes include:

  1. 63108
  2. 63104
  3. 63111
  4. 63106
  5. Unknown
  6. 63118
  7. 63115
  8. 63139
  9. 63110
  10.  63116