Although MHB widely disseminated information through a variety of media (MHB web site, social media, St. Louis American ad, email distribution lists) to inform the community of the opening of the FY23-25 Community Children’s Services Fund (CCSF) application process, it has come to our attention that a communications gap occurred in that some early childhood providers did not receive email notification directly from MHB that our Grant Community Portal would open January 3 for application submissions and that the virtual application workshop would be held on January 6. As a result, MHB is extending the deadline for Early Childhood Funding applicants (for Projects 0-5 ONLY) to Friday, February 4, 2022, at 4:30 PM. Notification of this application deadline extension will be widely disseminated using the distribution mechanisms listed previously.
Click HERE to access all of the resource information including recordings of the community meeting, a live walk through of the application, our virtual workshop and links to resource materials.