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Behavioral Health Systems Change Initiative – Collaboration Planning Grant


The Saint Louis MHB Behavioral Health Systems Change Initiative will use a collective-impact approach to increase access to high-quality behavioral health services that are culturally and linguistically appropriate for St. Louis City residents who are underserved by the behavioral healthcare system.


The lead applicant must be an intermediary organization that supports the coordination, management, and/or linkage of service providers in the following sectors: (A) behavioral health service providers (mental health and substance use treatment) or (B) early childhood providers seeking to enhance access to social/emotional learning and support for children and their parents/caregivers. The lead applicant must be a 501c3 organization, fiscal sponsor, or unit of government that has been actively supporting multiple collaboration projects and initiatives for at least five years. The lead applicant must have a demonstrated track record of successfully managing multi-year funding commitments of $500,000 or more. In addition to having strong relationships in the behavioral health or early childhood sector, the lead applicant must have the ability to engage a diverse range of collaboration partners across multiple sectors to effectively address social determinants of health as a key component of Behavioral Health Systems Change.

High Impact Strategies (Click on headings below for more information)

Focus on Young People
• Home visiting programs
• Support for school-age youth
• Reslience and life skills
Support those with the Most Serious Disorders
• Alternatives to incarceration
• Reentry support
• Specialized Care – First episode Psychosis or Medication Assisted Treatment
Expand Access to the Full Range of What Works
• Workforce Expansion Programs
• Crisis Response Services
• Integrated Health Care
• Family Support and Involvement Groups


Application Q & A for your reference

Letter of Interest Questions for preview and download



1. LOI: Create an account and submit a Letter of Interest to schedule a meeting with MHB staff to discuss your concept  [November 1 – January 9] CLOSED

2. DRAFT APPLICATION: Submit a draft of your planning grant application to MHB staff for review and feedback (Click HERE for a preview of the questions) [December 2 – January 30th] DEADLINE FOR DRAFT SUBMISSION EXTENDED TO FEBRUARY 7

PLEASE NOTE: The last date to request a review of your draft application is February 7. MHB Staff will not be available to answer application questions or provide feedback on draft applications after February 14.

3. FINAL APPLICATION: Submit final planning grant application that includes signed Memorandum of Agreement from collaboration partners NO LATER THAN  February 27

4. APPLICATION REVIEW: Applications reviewed and finalists selected [March 3 – March 28]

5. PRESENTATIONS: Application finalists conduct presentation for MHB Trustees and staff [April 7 – April 18]