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The Saint Louis MHB (MHB) will contract with qualified Consultants or Firms to provide capacity building technical assistance to currently funded partners. The goal of the consulting engagement is to ensure that organizations have the capacity to successfully manage their grant funded program. Technical assistance must occur between September 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024. A maximum of $80,000 is available for this technical assistance program.

Established in 1994, the Saint Louis Mental Health Board is an independent governmental taxing authority charged with collecting and distributing two local property taxes—the Community Mental Health Fund and the Community Children’s Services Fund—for purposes consistent with Missouri State Statutes and approved by the voters. Our purpose is to create an equitable, thriving community by investing in the provision of quality behavioral health and children’s services that promote mental health wellness for the residents of the City of St. Louis. MHB does not provide services directly but makes grants and other funding available to area non-profits who provide direct services. More information can be found within our website at

MHB is seeking consultants to provide the capacity building services described as follows.
1.Programmatic Reporting – Consultants will create a basic plan for collecting andtracking participant data and program outcomes and make recommendations for datamanagement processes and systems. The consultant may assist with data analysis andreport creation.
2.Budget and Financial Management – Consultants will review revenue and expensetracking budgets and financial management practices to help organizations monitor grantcompliance for multiple funding streams.
3.Financial Reporting – Consultants will review accounting practices to develop a plan toapply Generally Accepted Accounting Principles to invoicing, budgeting, and preparationof financial reports.

Consultants interested in being considered for the Capacity Building Program must submit a proposal as outlined below to with the subject header “MHB Funded Partner Capacity Building Proposal” by July 31, 2023.
Revised 06/30/2023
A. Contact Information
1) Provide basic information such as the business name, address, email, phone number, name and title of a contact person.
B. Statement of Qualifications
1) Consultant Summaries: Provide brief bios and qualifications for each individual that may be involved in providing services. Clearly indicate which technical assistance categories you are offering to provide and your experience in each.
2) Experience with Grassroots Organizations: Describe your experience working with grassroots organizations. Briefly describe your general philosophy/core values for working with grassroots organizations.
C. Approach
1) Capacity and Availability: Please estimate the number of hours per month that you are available to provide the described technical assistance. Summarize your proposed schedule and availability for in-person and virtual meetings (for example days or time ranges that you are available to work directly with organizations).
2) Cost: Please provide hourly rate(s) for the described technical assistance categories.
3) References: Provide a list of 3 references with contact information that includes the name and type of organization you worked with along with a brief description of the type of relevant support you provided.
MHB reserves the right to offer one contract to a single firm with the capacity to deliver the full scope of services or contracts to multiple firms delivering specific services.

The MHB team will review proposals submitted for completeness, responsiveness, relevant experience, and cost effectiveness. Proposals must be submitted by July 31, 2023. Consultants may be contacted for additional information by email, phone, or through virtual or in-person meetings. The selected consultant should be prepared to enter into a contract with a start date in September 2023.

For more information contact Serena Muhammad, Deputy Director, (314) 535-6964, ext. 14 or email to: